Today I noticed a bobcat near the front door of the house, which noticed me back and lashed its stumpy tail as it locked eyes with me (and I was inside the mudroom looking out, so it very aware of its surroundings).
It headed in the direction of the patio, so I quickly (and quietly) moved to the bedroom (which overlooks the patio) and Hayduke the Cat, lounging in the wicker chair by the screen door, meowed loudly twice, hoping for attention.
I expected that the bobcat would be gone after the meowing, but as I peeked slowly around the edge of the door, there it was, about three feet away from me (the spot indicated by the star in the photo below). It stared right back, for several long-seeming seconds, continuing to lash its stump tail, then casually wandered off onto the slope, and slowly moved towards the brush line. It indicated little fear, and seemed confident. Crows immediately kicked up a ruckus of cawing above it. It seemed a little bit bigger than Hayduke, who weighs about 18 pounds, but the bobcat had a lean, experienced look about it.
The patio, with door to bedroom on the right. |
Hayduke apparently never figured out that a large predator was about four feet from him, but Jinx (the outdoor kitty) was nervous and took refuge high up near the roof in the garage.
Perhaps this cat was attempting to get a drink from the new bird bath that I made from some spare concrete we had left over from the greenhouse project. Beechey Ground Squirrels, Wild Turkeys, Acorn Woodpeckers and Western Scrub Jays have been visiting the bird bath regularly.
The concrete
bird bath that I made about a week ago. It seems popular with the local
wildlife, especially as the available water in the neighborhood
decreases due to warmth and lack of rain.
NOTE AS OF JUNE 25 (the next day):
At 5:30 am this morning the bobcat returned and paid a visit to the bird bath. Gary saw if first and woke my up so I could get a quick look too before the cat moved on again (it knew it was being observed). The crows went crazy again, just like yesterday -- with much cawing until the cat disappeared onto the Steeber property next door.