The rain storms that brought several inches to the mountains brought a little bit to the desert, too. A little goes a long way down there, and the flowers looked richer along Henderson Canyon Road than they have in several years.
We also drove about 5 miles up Coyote Canyon, which is a favorite spot of ours now!
Henderson Canyon Road, Borrego Springs. The usual suspects, flower-wise. Nice to see them again after a long absence! |
Wide shot at Henderson Canyon Road. |
Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx Moth) caterpillar. There was a huge emergence along DiGiorgio Road. |
Not much left of this plant (which is a mustard, I believe). |
If the leaves are gone, why not eat the stem? |
Small cryptic grasshopper at the northern terminus of DiGiorgio Road. |
Matching (almost) pupae of...? Northern terminus of DiGiorgio Road. |
Acmaeodera vernalis, a new species for me in San Diego County (or anywhere else, for that matter). Around Third Crossing, Coyote Canyon. |
Eupompha elegans, Henderson Canyon Road. |
Trichodes ornatus, checkered beetles. These are common in our desert, and in the mountains, also. This behavior keeps them that way! These were near Third Crossing, Coyote Canyon. |
Fishhook Cactus flower. Near Third Crossing, Coyote Canyon. |
A nice healthy-looking Desert Lily, Old Springs Road, Borrego Springs. |